
Thoughts of importance put to the page with greater coherence in concrete than abstract form

Writing has been a strength of mine since I was a child. While I first applied it to fiction with my hyperactive imagination (which is still present to some degree), the introduction of the internet to my household was quickly followed by me finding website builders and learning the very basics of code so I could write opinion pieces, mostly for myself to re-read but also sometimes to send to my friends. This was replaced by early blogging platforms like LiveJournal, and then was overtaken by the cancerous convenience of tweets and status updates in major social media networks, which set forth slow boiling damage to my creativity with words.

In an attempt to build this back, I vow to write more and post it here. "Vow" might be too strong of a word. I don't like that word, for a number of reasons (and perhaps one day I'll write a long piece about caution around promises that likely stems from my queerness both in the brain and the heart), but I am intent on applying myself again. The list of links below will hopefully expand with the passage of time, covering the wide variety of topics that crowd my mind. I may even edit ones I've already posted, as my perspective changes and/or I get yelled at, so you can even re-read those and learn new things. Keep stopping by for updates!

sandaled feet resting upon a wooden table outdoors with a notebook covered in queer and/or leftist stickers placed on top of a glass of beer