This is Nege!

This site is a personal sandbox for creative projects (or just impulse purchases, but making art instead of buying things) that I find worth sharing. I do none of this for a living but try to spend my free time wisely, making things I'm driven to put out into the world. Whether other people see them or not is aside the point, but you're free to enjoy.

Current compilations (always being updated):

If you want to hear my bullshit now, I mostly post to Mastodon.

I have to re-learn the HTML I used on my websites in the 90s, and learn a bit more from this century, but I'm pumped to build something again and put out things of thought that have no character limit.

several geese standing around on a concrete dock next to a river with trees in the distance, distorted with a pinch in the middle to make some geese look stretched