A Very Specific List of Possible Superpowers

The ability to see the quality of someone else's photograph before it is taken.
Feeling the looming sense of dread we all do — in 4K.
Changing the smile on a child's face into a glare.
Predicting future hosts of SNL.
The healing touch for broken wheels on shopping carts.
Teleporting oneself 26.2 miles, but five minutes slower than the world record marathon.
Spotting autistics upon sight.
Ending every day feeling adequately whelmed.
Orgasming upon hearing a new language.
Tolerance for mansplainers (including those offended by the term "mansplain").
Public charisma that matches private wit.
Cooking hot dogs with the palm of one's hand.
Knowing when to end a poem.
Spotting autistics up--oh wait, I've done that already.