Self-Portrait Doodles

What do you get when you give a self-centered person with no meaningful art skills a pencil, paper, depression, and a shitty job? These kinds of doodles. Maybe it's a good thing I don't draw many of them anymore...

A lot of these are from Hourly Comic Day, which is probably still a thing every year on February 1st. That's why there is a timestamp on some of them.

A light coffee stain on a piece of paper with a rectangular frame drawn around it to make it appear to be on a wall at an angle, with a cartoon version of me with blonde hair tied back, wearing a sweater, jeans, and a scarf, looking at the frame and thinking 'Hmm...'

A drawing of my my face, oval shaped with hair parted at the left and tied up in a bun in the back to the right, with a strand of hair hanging beneath it. There is no facial expression, just 'I DON'T CARE ABOUT MYSELF' written inside the face.

Two post-it notes with four hourly comics. 7 AM: waking up and crying in the shower. 8 AM: me ordering coffee saying 'give me some coffee or the world gets it' and the barista laughing and saying 'no kidding, eh'. 9 AM: my face in a parka with an arrow pointed at it saying 'frozen ice crystals everywhere' around my eyes. 10 AM: me sitting in an office chair with an arrow pointed at my face saying 'figurative frozen ice crystals, paralyzing my brain.

a large boot about to step on a small human shaped like me, with a caption in large writing 'I've never been more right about anything in life than my own insignificance.

a doodle in black marker of my head on a tiny body

a single-frame comic with '8 AM' at the top, of me lying in bed sleeping, face down on pillows with drool coming out.

me from behind with a long brick road in front of me and the caption 'The path to boredom...' on one side of the road and ' long and uninteresting' on the other.

a very monster looking drawing of me, with pointy teeth and a pig-like nose, glaring down

Frame one: me in front of a radio microphone saying 'Welcome to Anxiety Chat. Today we're going to talk about...' Frame two: my face in paralyzed shock looking at the viewer. Frame three: my head on the desk as I scream 'FUCK I SHOULD HAVE PLANNED THIS BETTER'

'Fun at the office' written in cursive at the top, with my face looking out of a fort built of office things like boxes of paper

a single-frame comic with '12 PM' at the top, of me from the neck down, in a puffy parka wearing snow boots and carrying a shopping bag, walking down a bridge with bouquets of flowers laid across the railing, and a caption pointing an arrow at the flowers saying 'Walking past a murder scene from the week before'

I'm posting this as a link instead of the image itself because it contains gun self-violence.

a light sketch of me looking to the left. the sketch is at a bit of a slant.

'#hourlycomicday 2 PM' at the top, me lying on my stomach with my chin resting on my hand as I stare at a toaster on a bottom shelf of a kitchen cart that's going 'tictictic'. I have a thought bubble with piece of toast and hearts in it.

a drawing of me from the side lying on the ground on my stomach, looking towards the viewer. text is written along the top of my body, keeping the shape of my ass, shoulders, head, and arm, saying 'on the floor you look sexier than standing, and somehow also in bed.

a single-frame comic with '7 PM' at the top, of me drinking from a carton, with a caption 'I don't need to justify drinking this chocolate milk.

#hourlycomicday 12 PM at the top, me in a puffy parka with the hood down, looking at a uniformed barista. Me: 'I need something to help me draw every hour on the hour.' Barista (named Alex, he was a cool guy): 'You should try some hallucinogens.'

me in a hooded raincoat with a belt around the waist, wearing sunglasses, standing on a rainy sidewalk with a rainy city street scene behind me

a comic on coarse paper drawn in pencil. Frame 1: me sitting at an office desk looking at a phone ringing. Frame 2: the top of my head as I'm hiding under the office desk while the phone is still ringing.

'#hourlycomicday 4 PM' My apartment, with shelves and a framed picture of Reginald and Beartato in suits on a wall to the left, with an archway next to it that leads to the bathroom door, which is open. You can see the tub and shower curtain, and my knees with my pants down to my ankles (as I was pooping), true story.

me having a heart attack, me lying on the ground with one eye open and a silly face, pretending to be dead as people around are horrified, me lying in a coffin with one eye open and a silly face, pretending to be dead as people sob over me at my funeral, then a tombstone saying R.I.P. Nege 1983-2014. At the bottom the text says FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT

a single-frame comic wtih '9 PM' at the top, of me shrugging with the caption 'all out of ideas'