Quit Your Job

In July of 2024, a number of similar posters started showing up along a regular walking route for me. I have no idea how far they extend, but I have seen several in the West Broadway and Osborne Village neighbourhoods of Winnipeg and hope to see more. The message is a reasonable one: fuck work, do something else, we can get by without everyone holding a full time job to justify living. Pretty good philosophy! I wish it was real. (Note: I am writing this on July 17, 2024 and so this might be a very short-lived trend or end up being problematic or whatever. Milkshake Duck lurks at every corner.)

(Update July 25th: no further information on who's putting up these signs, but somebody is getting mad at them and either tearing them down or writing "CITY DUMP" on them, because they cannot handle the idea of anybody enjoying their lives.)

(Update August 5th: The "CITY DUMP" appears to be referring to Mostyn Park, which is close to where a chunk of the signs are. There are encampments there of unhoused people, so maybe that's why. Housing for all, motherfuckers, and housing first.)

Silver lamp post with a brown paper sign saying 'QUIT YOUR JOB' in white writing on most of the 8.5x11 page, but small writing at the bottom that you can't entirely see, but it's enough to tell it says 'enjoy good liver health'

A grey hydro box of some kind with two QUIT YOUR JOB posters. One is beige with purple writing and ends with 'Imagine a seven day weekend' and the other is purple with silver writing with 'Caramelize some onions'.

A grey box with peeling paint and a QUIT YOUR JOB poster on tan paper with barely readable pink writing and bottom text 'You don't need to pay for internet, it's everywhere'

A wooden telephone pole with a QUIT YOUR JOB poster on light pink paper with green writing and the bottom message 'Make a flipbook'

A brown paper QUIT YOUR JOB sign with white lettering on a green lamppost with 'Great job!' written at the bottom. There's another QUIT YOUR JOB poster below it but you can only see the QUIT part.

A concrete barrier between a sidewalk and a road with a QUIT YOUR JOB poster on brown paper with beige writing and the message 'For clear skin' at the bottom

A painted grey surface with two QUIT YOUR JOB posters with 'What if a celebrity was stalking YOU?' and 'Transform into a planet' written in pen, and 'CITY DUMP' written over them in permanent marker with arrows to the right.

A grey metal surface next to a brick wall that has two QUIT YOUR JOB posters with 'Fill your bubble sheet with pen! (Anarchy symbol)' and 'Don't ask me why, I'm not your boss' messages written on them in pen, but also 'CITY DUMP' with side arrows pointing to the right written over top of these in permanent marker. Boo fucking hoo, buddy.

A QUIT YOUR JOB poster with 'Put your thing down, flip it and reverse it' written in pen.

QUIT YOUR JOB poster with 'Make jewelery out of avian bones' written in pen.

A grey metal surface with four QUIT YOUR JOB posters, 2x2, with the messages: 'Look at the sun through welding glass', 'Adopt a scarecrow', 'You're a fucking dragon, mate!', 'Host a social for no reason'. You can see my shadow on the side and the fact that I'm holding a leash.

My hand holding down the bottom right corner of a curled up QUIT YOUR JOB poster glued to the door of a portable toilet, with the message '[missing word] in that sleep of death what dreams may come must give us pause'

'City Dump Mostyn Park' with arrows written overtop of a QUIT YOUR JOB poster with 'Go Ultralightning' in pen

'Mostyn Park is City Dump!' written over a QUIT YOUR JOB sign with 'Brian McKnightrider' in pen

QUIT YOUR JOB sign with 'If you really think about it, Frank N. Furter is a lot like Mr. Toad' in pen

QUIT YOUR JOB sign on a lamppost with 'You can fly from Washington to Ireland for $99' in pen

QUIT YOUR JOB sign on a lamppost with 'Cut paper with hair scissors!' and the anarchy symbol in pen

QUIT YOUR JOB sign on a lamppost with 'Be a dog' in pen