In Post

Frankensteining images in post-production

In early 2004, shortly after getting my first digital camera, I pirated a copy of a photo editing program that, like velcro or bandaid, has become the eponym for its genre of product. I spent hours playing with colour, correction tools, or artistic filters to create more interesting images than the simple pictures I took. It lasted me over 15 years before it simply stopped working, but by then I had a full time job and had abandoned most consumer frugality, so I bought a legitimate program that has not devolved into a subscription-based price gouger that brings artist poverty into the 21st century. Those are the more hands-on images seen here, though they're mixed in with smartphone apps for artistic photo editing, but honestly? Hands-on computer programs are more fun.

Having gone through a few hard drive tragedies in the first decade of using these tools, I have lost a fair number of images created this way — but they probably weren't very good anyway. Here are some that have survived, and many that I've made since, though it's still to be debated whether these are any better.

A dark aquarium with a bright orange jellyfish, pixelated to the point that the tentacles look like single-pixel lines

a bunch of old hockey sticks sticking out of wooden ball, but the image is swirled around to distort the size and make them blurry

a collage of photos a rainbow seen in downtown winnipeg put through an art app to look like a painting

a dark skyline of four high rise apartment buildings against a fiery sky with dark clouds at the top

half the face of a statue of a bear with a white sky and two high rise buildings behind it, mirrored halfway down.

a girl wearing two party hats like horns on her head, making a face like she's blowing a bubble and pointing both fingers at the photographer. A purple, red, and orange gradient is applied, and a intense light is put at the opening in her mouth.

a fountain with a statue of a woman holding a baby and a bull jumping out of the fountain. The image is partly solarized to make the background look brown, fountain structure look yellow, and statues look like a light oxidized green. Ripples are added to come out from the center.

a bunch of Canadian and rainbow pride flags against a partly cloudy sky, pinched inwards so the edges are curved and perspective is skewed.

a skyline view from high up, looking at an industrial area of a city, with a large angel statue on the right looking out. There is added noise and the sky is made to look fiery.

a curling rink with a high arching wood ceiling and several curling sheets, some of which have games in action with rocks and people on the ice, made to look like an impressionist style painging

a blurry fire pit with colourful flames

a mural on a brick wall of one dog barking at another with hearts over their heads, with ripples added to make the bricks look wave-like

a tall silver pole with golden hoops of various angles, taken from below with a nearly cloudless blue sky, diverging in the middle as a mirror image with the pole veering slightly away from center on both sides as it gets higher

people on a subway, most sitting with a couple of vacant seats available, with two standing by the door waiting to get off. The image is given a sort of metallic neon feel, making the subway mostly dark but bright things like the handrail stand out more.

a tilt shift image of several apartment buildings close up, with the top and bottom thirds blurry and the middle third in focus, but solarized to make everything glow in reversed colours.

a wire frame over a path lined with holiday lights meant to look like reindeer antlers, illuminated against the night sky and snowy path, but skewed to look like a trippy descent down into wonderland, except with reindeer instead of rabbits?

a mural of the top half of a woman's face in profile, with long flowing hair, holding a tiny airplane in her fingers. the image is in black and white except for a headband the woman is wearing, which is bright red.

a very pixelated image of an acoustig guitar, electric guitar, recorder, maracas, bongos, and a washboard, mirrored on the side about 80% of the way through and at the top about 90% of the way through

a tiled wall solarized into metallic pink, blue, white, purple, and beige colours with a green gloe in some parts, mirrored halfway down

large circles containing an extravagant chandelier from directly below, with only one chandelier in the center being fully in the picture, and the background bewteen the circles is a mosaic of the same image

what looks like ruins of an ancient Greek/Roman column with text added in a downward arch saying 'Make it look like Western civilization existed here some point in the past' with very small text at the bottom saying 'like there's not a whole other way of living on this planet that was practised here for thousands of years'

a high-contrast purple hued closeup of an Icelandic waterfall

a thick border of blurry lines extending the colours from the image, with a teal-purple hued image of a pale white person with messy hair and a distressed look on their face wearing a thin strapped black tanktop staring right into the camera

a picture of a dog landing in an above-ground pool. The pool/background is black and white on one side of a superimposed rainbow, and it is in colour on the other side that includes the dog splashing into the water.

a fluffy kitty sitting under the front fender of a car, with raindrops imposed over the image and a radial blur emerging from the cat