Generic Doodles

Sometimes you just draw what your subconscious tells you to, because your conscious is lazy and your superconscious is waaaaaayyy too high to focus.

Lined beige paper with uncomfortably narrow eyes looking up and vague lines indicating brows, nose, and mouth, with a caption at the top that is supposed to say 'A tired person's guide to staying awake' but 'awake' is nearly illegible as it turns into an uncontrolled line moving downward.

A dancing leprechaun in the bottom right corner with muppets Statler and Waldorf in their balcony seats in the top left corner saying 'Even I could dance better than that leprechaun!' and 'Please! I'm traumatized enough as it is!' In the bottom right there is one of those noodle-like muppets that could dance.

Stick figures at a table with a coffee maker. Frame 1: first person: 'Hey! How are you doing?' second person, holding a mug: 'Good...' Frame 2: first person, pouring a mug of coffee: 'Whatcha been up to? Anything fun?' second person: 'Losing purpose. Abandoning dreams.' Frame 3: first person holding mug stares at second person. second person, drinking from their mug: 'How 'bout you?'

A drawing of a bunch of bowling pins, all but one knocked over. The remaining standing pin is smiling while a bowling ball looks at it with angry eyebrows. Caption: To be in defiance while also under observation... (top) ...certainly picks one up from a rotten mood. (bottom)

swirly hand-written fancy text saying 'Being insecure and defensive is part of my Brand'