Faintly Alluded-to Questions

a big blue cartoonish monster with sharp teeth and big eyes with uneven pupils spraypainted on a wall along a dirt path

Q. Where does the “this” in “thisnege” come from?
A. My Mastodon handle is “theynege” because I’m a they. But I’m also a this, as in “look at this mfer over here”, so I figured it would also be a suitable online handle of some kind. Plus all the bigots who suddenly hate pronouns will have to start hating this as well if they want to be morally consistent (which they’re most certainly known for doing). And that too. We pronoun people own those words. They’re of our community.

Q. Where does the “nege” in “thisnege” come from?
A. It’s my name.

Q. What’s with the geese?
A. I think Canada geese are beautiful animals with an attitude I aspire to have: getting in the way of vehicles with no fucks given. I see a lot of them in the summer and it gives me a sense of connection to my neighbourhood, since I didn’t get to see a lot of them where I grew up...except by the train tracks, on account of the Hobo Goose.

Q. The what?
A. Hobo Goose.

Q. Oh right, there’s a drawing of him in the Captenne Badasse section.
A. That’s not a question.

Q. Why does the list of interests on your About page include disability?
A. I’m disabled.

Q. Why does it contain neurodiversity?
A. I’m neurodivergent.

Q. Why does it contain queerness?
A. I’m queer.

Q. Are you sure of that?
A. Fuck you.

Q. I’m just asking questions.
A. Actually no you’re not.

Q. You’re a writer, poet, photographer, artist, mathematician (sort of). Is there anything you’re not good at?
A. Pretty much any useful life skill or anything employable aside from the very specific tasks I have lucked into that keep me employed in my very specific job at a very specific employer.

Q. Which employer is that?
A. Get fucked.

Q. Odd employer for an asexual to work at.
A. Not a question. Get fucked.